Expert legal & tax support to guide your crypto rocketship

Have no FUD. Our crypto advisors will help you lay the right foundation, avoid regulatory pitfalls, and set your project up for massive success.

Build It Right

Choose the right entity structure for your unique situation

Know where to base your company and how to pay your team

Minimize taxes and avoid regulatory chaos

Build It Right

Choose the right entity structure for your unique situation

Know where to base your company and how to pay your team

Minimize taxes and avoid regulatory chaos

Launch Your ICO with Confidence

Create your project’s perfect tokenomics model

Create airtight SAFT contract agreements

Draft legal opinions for optimal token tax status

Launch Your ICO with Confidence

Create your project’s perfect tokenomics model

Create airtight SAFT contract agreements

Draft legal opinions for optimal token tax status

Craft Rock-Solid Whitepapers

Conceptualize your project’s roadmap and growth plan

Explain how you’ll solve a critical tech challenge

Ensure language and phrasing are tight and powerful

Craft Rock-Solid Whitepapers

Conceptualize your project’s roadmap and growth plan

Explain how you’ll solve a critical tech challenge

Ensure language and phrasing are tight and powerful

Build It Right

Choose the right entity structure for your unique situation

Know where to base your company and how to pay your team

Minimize taxes and avoid regulatory chaos

Launch Your ICO with Confidence

Create your project’s perfect tokenomics model

Create airtight SAFT contract agreements

Draft legal opinions for optimal token tax status

Craft Rock-Solid Whitepapers

Conceptualize your project’s roadmap and growth plan

Explain how you’ll solve a critical tech challenge

Ensure language and phrasing are tight and powerful

Build It Right

Choose the right entity structure for your unique situation

Know where to base your company and how to pay your team

Minimize taxes and avoid regulatory chaos

Launch Your ICO with Confidence

Create your project’s perfect tokenomics model

Create airtight SAFT contract agreements

Draft legal opinions for optimal token tax status

Craft Rock-Solid Whitepapers

Conceptualize your project’s roadmap and growth plan

Explain how you’ll solve a critical tech challenge

Ensure language and phrasing are tight and powerful

Don't let legal mistakes wreck your crypto venture

The laws and regulations around crypto are confusing and are changing every day. They differ from country-to-country and state-to-state. Even small mistakes can create irreparable damage to your business, reputation, and bank account. And while typical attorneys aren’t equipped to handle the intricacies of blockchain law, our team is here to give you everything you need to win with absolute confidence.

Legal Services for Blockchain Businesses

Legal Services for Blockchain Businesses

Business Entity Consulting

Get guidance in deciding on an LLC, Corporation, or other entity structure. Ensure you meet key legal requirements for entity creation. Protect your founders from personal liability.

Token / ICO Advisory

Draft a legal opinion on your token to attain the desired asset class. Create compliant ICO advertising and marketing to spark massive interest. And develop the ideal technical and legal model for proper tokenomics.

Token / ICO Advisory

Draft a legal opinion on your token to attain the desired asset class. Create compliant ICO advertising and marketing to spark massive interest. And develop the ideal technical and legal model for proper tokenomics.

Tax Consulting

Maximize write-offs and reduce your overhead while staying in compliance with all relevant crypto tax laws. Learn strategies to reduce annual and quarterly tax liabilities. Maximize your profits. 

Crypto Legal Counsel

Whatever the issue, get the expertise you need to overcome uncertainty and crush your goals.

Getting Started is Easy

Getting Started is Easy



Meet with an expert

Meet with an expert



Get the guidance you need

Get the guidance you need



Build with confidence

Build with confidence

Work with Us

Revenue Capital clients get the benefits of working with a dedicated team of well-rounded experts who know what it takes to protect blockchain and crypto ventures from legal and tax-related issues. These problems can creep up on unsuspecting founders and crypto leaders, and if left unchecked can place a big drain on energy and capital. Don’t let your dream venture get derailed by a big tax burden or a legal misunderstanding. 

We are passionate about creating digital ecosystems of the future that will establish autonomy, independence and freedom around the world. If you’re ready to join us, book a call today.

Great crypto projects fail every day

Great crypto projects fail every day

Don't let yours be one of them

Don't let yours be one of them